The screen shot below shows a part that has been loaded into the software. The measuring icon will do just that and will allow you to take measurements around your model by selecting different triangles this is useful for checking wall thickness's and minimum detail sizes. There are a lot of free STL viewers out there but there are very few that will repair your file as well. The repair function will analyse and repair the errors that it finds. Selecting the analyse button will generate additional information about your part including where and what the errors are if any. The analyse, repair and measuring area of the interface are the functions that we will be using to fix the STL file. The basic information area of the interface shows the overall dimensions of the part (the bounding box), the volume, the surface area and the number of triangles in your model, this information is useful when you are selecting which 3D printing technology to use. To zoom you can use the scroll wheel on your mouse or you can use the icons shown above. You can rotate the model by pressing and holding the right mouse button and then dragging clicking on one of the standard views will reset the viewpoint.

The important areas on the interface are highlighted above. Once you have installed Netfabb open up the software and it will look like the image below: It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. This software is free to download (Scroll to the bottom of the page, you don’t need to fill in all of the information!) and use and will identify basic errors and repair them if possible. These errors can normally be fixed using software freely available on the internet, one such program is Netfabb which is an STL file viewer and repair tool. All of these will prevent your model from being 3D printed.